Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Hard Journey and What gets Me Through

Lying flat on a cold, hard table with my body locked into place by bean bag molds, I waited for it to begin. Now you may be wondering what "it" is. Well... "it" is radiology. Radiology, for those of you who don't know, is the examining of the inner structures of opaque objects using X rays or other types of radiation. These opaque objects are quiet obviously the tumors. So, to kick the procedure off they shoot X rays throughout your body to pinpoint the exact locations of  the tumors. Then they take paint markers and doodle all over these exact locations; leaving you looking like a toddler's project. After all this they fasten you into place using bean bag molds and shoot the rays into your body. you know a small part of what I'm going through. And I have to do this everyday for six weeks. It's going to be hard, but God will get me and my family through this hardship. 
      My friends have come through many, many times along this journey so far. But, something truly amazing happened am few days ago. My brother and Richard and Kris ,two of my friends from my Haiti, came to visit. Their actions blew me away. The fact that anyone would fly down for one day just to see me shocked me, and to say the least the visit was emotional.  Sadly though, their visit had to an end and tearful goodbyes were exchanged as they walked out the door. It's support like this that will keep my family and I strong. So thank you so so much for everything you guys have done for me and my family.


  1. Kyler we all love you to no end don't ever forget that(: we are all patiently waiting for you to come home with continuous pray for you everyday <3 stay strong best friend, you truly have become the strongest person i have met that is our age. Love you kyler(:

  2. must know that all of us would give anything to pick up and come to see you. I am sure you know sweet boy that the Lord is in that room while you are getting radiated and He is holding you every step of the way. We love you!!! Carol Ann

  3. Kyler,this is Paige Pensivy from summerlin dance academy..... I just wanted you to know that Kelsey Mcmillan, Savanah Stallworth and myself are praying for you! Your in our thoughts everyday! just know that you can always TAP your way through anything!!!!! hope to hear from you soon!

  4. Kyler....

    I just heard a song this morning on the way to school that made me think of you and all you are going through....Kerrie Roberts "No Matter What". We keep praying for you and your family!!! Come home soon.
    Mrs. Raffail

  5. Proverbs 18:24:
    "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." <3

  6. Kyler, we are praying for you and your family throughout this difficult time in your life. We know that you are a strong young man and have an amazing support system. May God bless you and your family. Sincerely, Angela, Ken, and Kenny Daniels
